A Rundown of the Airport Films

If you’re into catastrophes and disasters like me, knowing about them, figuring out what happened and such, then you may also like disaster films. And there was absolutely no better decade for disaster and catastrophe films than the 1970s. From The Hindenburg to Earthquake, the 70s hold the crown, at least in my mind, for the best disaster films of all time.

That’s what makes the write up on the Airport films that cnet just published a must-read article. They discuss not just the films themselves, but who starred in them as well as different bits of trivia. For example, of the four real airplanes that were used in the filming, only ONE of them did not end its service in a crazy? Yes, three of the four airplanes crashed, including the Concorde. Yes, it was that Concorde!

Link to the article is here: https://www.cnet.com/news/short-history-airport-films/

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