The Dupont Plaza Hotel fire of 1986, and the Humberto Vidal Building Explosion of 1996

Today’s podcast is a Puerto Rican ‘two-fer’ that goes over the Dupont Plaza Hotel fire of 1986, and the Humberto Vidal Building explosion of 1996, both of San Juan, Puerto Rico.  I have a little personal history with the Dupont Plaza Hotel, at least in its new incarnation, and have decided to return this year to see how the island has fared since my last visit before Hurricane Maria, which hit the island in September 2017.

As always, you can download the podcast from here, find us on iTunes, find us on Stitcher, or listen to the episode from the embedded player below.

Sources for the podcast are:

The Dupont Plaza Hotel Fire of 1986

The Humberto Vidal Building Explosion of 1996

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