Today’s podcast goes back over 100 years and discusses the day that the town of Halifax was decimated by an explosion that was so bad, it pushed the headlines about World War I off the front page of the paper for a few days. And if you stay to the end, I go a little into the current situation with the Boeing 737-MAX aircraft.
As always, you can download the latest podcast from here, find us on iTunes, find us on Stitcher, or listen to the episode from the embedded player below.
Sources for the podcast are:
- Wikipedia: Halifax Explosion, SS Imo
- The Washington Post: Two Ships Collided in Halifax Harbor One Of them Was A 300 Ton Floating Bomb
- This Day in History, The Great Halifax Explosion
- Maritime Museum: Halifax Explosion
- CBC: Vincent Coleman Telegraph Halifax Explosion Tran Dispatcher
- Halifax Explosion
- University of Virginia: Halifax Explosion
And finally, there’s a unique interaction recording that you can check out from the CBC, though it needs Google Chrome. You can find that here: A City Destroyed: Experience the Halifax Explosion, 100 years later