A Look At Uncontrolled Engine Failures in Two Different Catastrophes

Today’s podcast is about two different incidents, that are not only 30 years apart but are immeasurably different based on the outcomes of both incidents.  The first, United Airlines Flight 232, is one that haunts me just because of the sheer horror in the detail that was caught on camera, while the second, Southwest Airlines flight 1380, is much less known.

Here is the crash as caught by a camcorder as promised in the podcast, that someone has included the CVR recording.

And here is a diagram of how the plane broke up, as well as injuries and fatalities.  (Click to embiggen)












As always, you can download the latest podcast from here, find us on iTunes, find us on Stitcher, or listen to the episode in the embedded player below.

Sources for the podcast are:


edit: One last thing.  In this podcast, mentioned a previous podcast where a flight attendant gave her life saving others.  That one would be podcast #12, which you can find here.

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