The 3/11 Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Catastrophes of Tohoku, Japan

In this very special podcast, I go over a bit about Japan’s 3/11 catastrophe.  Now most of the world is familiar with what 9/11 means, but until recently, I did not know that Japan’s earthquake, tsunami, and the nuclear catastrophes of the Fukushima Daiichi plant were known as the 3/11 disasters.  And there’s so much to know about this entire event, which is why a special interview is part of the podcast.  I’ve interviewed Professor Daniel Aldrich, who has written a book on the subject of Japan’s catastrophes, and the fascinating aspects that helped determine if you were more or less likely to survive.

As always, you can download the latest podcast from here, find us on iTunes, find us on Stitcher, or listen to the episode in the embedded player below.

Short on time, so sources will come later. In the meantime:

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