Sudden Silence, Explained

So I’d done really well with updating the podcast starting at the end of 2018, and made it a monthly thing.  Not as often as I wanted, but still managed to get some good podcasts out.  I even got a really good interview podcast done with Professor Daniel Aldrich about the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.

And then I disappeared.

Well, this is a little note of explanation and apology.  Literally the night before that podcast was published, two things happened to me.  First, we adopted a puppy, which yes, can take up a lot of your time.  But bigger than that, I got a part time job on top of my full time job.  I’m now having to work 60+ hours per week, and have for the last four months.  Between the massive time needed for working two jobs and the puppy, I have no time.

This second job won’t last forever, though – though I’m happy it allowed me to pay off my credit card debt.  So as soon as it does, I will get right back to podcasting.  So until then, keep the ideas coming, and I’ll keep compiling shows until we’re ready to go!

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