The 1977 Crash At Tenerife

The crash of two airliners, KLM Flight 4805 and Pan Am Flight 1736, both 747s, on the island of Tenerife in 1979 has gone down as the deadliest airline catastrophe of all time, with nearly 600 fatalities.  Today’s podcast goes into the crash of the two planes, and the eight different pieces of information that, when linked together, caused the crash.

As always, you can download the podcast by clicking on this link, find it in iTunes, or listen to it below.

Sources for the podcast:

As promised, here’s a diagram of the airport at Los Rodeos.

Los Rodeos Airport Diagram

And finally, the NOVA special on this is one of the best out there.  I’m going to try and embed it here, but if it doesn’t work, click on the link above.

Watch The Deadliest Plane Crash on PBS. See more from NOVA.

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